Saturday, June 02, 2007

Communists in their own words

Many people think that I am tough on Comunists for their history. This defense of Communist treason sums it up best. Prof Schrecker (noted Communist appologist)"it is important to realize that as Communists these people did not conform to traditional forms of patriotism; they were internationalists whose political allegiances transcended national boundaries. They thought they were building a better world for the masses" not betraying their country."

Of course you could turn to the wacky world of Joel Koevell. Anticommunism is a form of mental illness, anti-semitism or racism. However antizionism is not antisemitism according to the illucid Koevell. His defenders swear he isn't a Communist. He merely defends Comunism at every opportunity while pretending to be a green. He even attempts to steal the history of Native Americans. The insane Koevel claims Native Americans were persecuted becaused they lived Communaly. This must come as news to Native Americans who enjoyed trade, had slaves and sometimes practiced human sacrafice. Native Americans are a series of diverse cultures with positive and negative attributes. The attempted theft of their history by Koevel and the fake Ward Churchill is quite amusing given recent massacres by Sandanistas. While the Sandanistas were massacring Indians Chomsky, Ed ASSner and company were singing their praises.

Communist are apologists for a brutal form of Totalitarianism. Each and every application has yeilded death and misery. There is no rationale for a rope a dope rehabilitation via Trotsky, Chavez or Alfed E Neuman.

Communists have knowingly lied about espionage and the source of funding of the Communist party. I can produce mountains of books by Commies defending the Rosenbergs, Hiss and so forth as well as scores calling Bentley, Chambers and Radosh liars. The verdict of history is in and Communists were guilty of all the crimes their critics charged and more.

The defenders of Communism are mentally ill members of a deranged cult fed by nostalgia for a lost cause. Nazism, the Confederacy and the French Revolution all had its defenders of similar bad ideas who airbrushed history. The lofty motives bit is the most insane part yet. We shall liberate the masses by starving them to death. Death must be an alternative form of liberation. We shall free the people by creating gulags, armies of Finks, Police states, censorship of free speech, abusing mental health facilities and fostering a series of Civil wars and terrorism.

The lofty motives bit is hot air. Behind every commie is an arrogant elitist. The arrogance is the driving force behind massacres as the elite must think for the unwashed masses. Communist feel that they alone as possesors of the divine truth have the right to play God. However, man is not God and the results and bodies speak for themselves.


Always On Watch said...

Communists have knowingly lied about espionage and the source of funding of the Communist party.

Couldn't expect otherwise.

Good point about elitism. I'm sure that Duck will try to refute that claim.

roman said...

I linked, hope you don't mind.

beakerkin said...


You are amongst friends.

Anonymous said...


...and today, these armchair Hermes don't even have don their petaso's or carry a caduceus to spread their poison. We've built the internet for them which enables them to "organize" and spread "sedition" world-wide. America's freedom has created a safe-haven for them that will enable them to reak havoc upon and spread their COMINTERN fantasies upon the rest of the world, indefinitely. We must face the enemy, and he is us.... our so-called intelligensia.

Batya said...

they don't let facts get in the way of theory or wishful thinking

beakerkin said...


Today Commies hit an all time low attempting to dezionize the Warsaw Ghetto fighters. The fact is that Commie paranoia about zionists dates back to the earliest days of the malady.

Even in WW2 spying on Jews in America was a commie priority. The Forward was a socialist but always anti-commie publication.

Dead Jews are always praised by Commies as long as they can find a crackpot or two in the crowd. The revisionist played a larger role than acknowledged but their leaders died in the Ghetto itself.

Craig Bardo said...


Gore miscalculated when he invented the internet. He and his fellow travelers did intend to organize and spread sedition through this medium, but the literate, even the uninitiated, reject the sophistry they present.

Purple Avenger said...

Communist are apologists for a brutal form of Totalitarianism. Each and every application has yielded death and misery.

Now stepping up to the plate -- Venezuela. Within 5 years, the Dutch authorities on Curacao (assuming it hasn't been seized yet by Comrade Chavez) will be overrun with VE refugees seeking asylum.

Ducky's here said...

Gee that's strange avenger, let's look at some other countries. Say Mexico. Now we know where you stand on illegals trying to make a living here but did you know that as we push this corn based ethanol initiative and raise corn prices, a staple for the Mexican poor, we have convinced the new Mexican government (not the leftist, remember the demonstrations over election fraud) to eliminate corn price subsidies.

This will strengthen the peso and squeeze the poor in a couple ways. Higher staple food prces and lower value of dollar remittances. but you know what the poor are going to do? They are going to be thankful they aren't in Venezuela, correct? So Chavez doesn't cave to the oil companies and Calderon fellates Cargill and Tysons but Chavez is the heavy.

Please try to think. You read like cb after he got a dose of that minstrel show interlocuteur, Thomas Sowell.

Ducky's here said...

Gee that's strange avenger, let's look at some other countries. Say Mexico. Now we know where you stand on illegals trying to make a living here but did you know that as we push this corn based ethanol initiative and raise corn prices, a staple for the Mexican poor, we have convinced the new Mexican government (not the leftist, remember the demonstrations over election fraud) to eliminate corn price subsidies.

This will strengthen the peso and squeeze the poor in a couple ways. Higher staple food prces and lower value of dollar remittances. but you know what the poor are going to do? They are going to be thankful they aren't in Venezuela, correct? So Chavez doesn't cave to the oil companies and Calderon fellates Cargill and Tysons but Chavez is the heavy.

Please try to think. You read like cb after he got a dose of that minstrel show interlocuteur, Thomas Sowell.

beakerkin said...

Is this an example of Communist politically correct racism. A noted scholar is compared to a minstrel show performer. I am certain you would be jumping up and down if someone made comments about Cornel West. Then again you called Condi Rice aunt Jemimah and Eli Weisel a Shoah pimp. This is seriously disgusting but as a commie feel at home in slop.